Curriculum Vitae
Doctor of Chiropractic, Palmer College-West 1991
Fellow, International College of Nutrition 2001
Goals and Vision
My main goal in life is to reach as many people as possible with scientifically valid information regarding how to use nutrition and alternative medicines safely and wisely. I want for all Americans to fully understand the benefits of becoming ‘nutritionally sufficient’ and to possess ‘balanced body chemistry’. I want to create a comprehensive natural health program that assists people to ‘get well and stay well’. As a doctor, I want to help people avoid the pitfalls and toxicity of disease-management health care. I want to teach people about how to take charge of their own heath with basic and advanced concepts of nutrition and wellness education. I want to serve people as an author and educator regarding disease prevention through nutrition and detoxification, awareness of chemical exposure and nutritional deficiencies as related to human health, awareness of personal environments, and as a resource for solution-oriented products. I have a tremendous amount of referenced literature about nutrition, health, human-made chemicals, and the environment. These are my passions.
History / Accomplishments:
2015- Trademarked the ‘YourNutrition Makeover’ natural health maintenance program, our personalized nutritional assessment and supplement recommendation program; designed for everyday people to achieve optimal nutritional sufficiency and balanced body chemistry using science-based, clinically-proven methods, and high quality dietary nutritional supplements.
2012-2013Reformulated our ‘Healthy Alternatives Plus Digestive & Stomach Upset Support’ formula. We believe it is one of the most comprehensive digestive enzyme formulas available in the world today.
2005- Formulated and Developed a ‘targeted’ nutritional program that will enhance performance, energy, endurance, and reduce injuries in professional athletes.
2003- Creator and Director of the Nutritional and Laboratory Analysis Program for a national network of doctors and health care professionals who will provide individualized nutritional and biochemical analysis and ‘targeted nutritional therapies’ to their patients. This program is being modeled from our ‘Health Enhancement’ clinical nutritional services.
2002- Research & Product Development, Educational and Motivational Speaker, TREK Alliance, Inc.
2001- Honored with a Fellowship to the International College of Nutrition in “recognition of significant contributions for the advancement of nutritional sciences.”
2000- 2002 Host and on-air nutritional educator, the “Eternal Health” show, ShopNBC.
1999-2000- Co-author, “The Supplement Shopper, The Complete User’s Guide That Takes The
Guesswork Out Of Choosing The Best Supplements For 50+ Health Conditions.”(Future
Medicine Publishing)
1998- present. Creator of &
1996- present. Research & Internet Content Development, Product Development, Nutritional & Clinical Consultant for numerous national and international pharmaceutical and nutritional companies.
1996- present Research & Development & owner of ‘Healthy Alternatives Plus’ dietary nutritional supplements.
1995- present Co-owner of Health Enhancement, nutritional sourcing agent and
formulator, manufacturer and distributor.
1991- present Co-founder: Health Enhancement Center, doctor of chiropractic & clinical nutrition, natural health education, public lecturer.
1977- Awarded the “Navy & Marine Corps Medal” for Heroism, while on active duty in the United States Navy, aboard the U.S.S Guam (LPH-9).
Major Areas of Interest
Helping people to maintain their health.
Helping people to understand the scientifically valid truth about natural health, diet, & nutrition.
Human biochemistry and physiology, specifically related to diet and nutrition.
Researching current breakthroughs in the field of nutrition; unique formulas and products.
Researching, compiling, condensing and formatting referenced nutritional and technical information, so the ‘average’ person can understand it.
Preparing nutritional newsletters, product labels, logos, and referenced promotional materials.
Researching the effects of human-made chemicals on human health and the natural environment.
Researching environmental or ‘solution oriented’ companies for the best quality products
available: nutritional supplementation, natural cleaning products, chemical-free personal-care products, body and skin care products, air and water filtration.
National and international promotion and distribution of dietary nutritional supplements, solution-oriented environmental and personal care products.
National and international travel, public speaking, educating people about key concepts related to nutrition and health, humor.
Books Authored or co-authored:
1997-99: Co-authored (with Maile), “The Supplement Shopper”, a comprehensive review of over 50 health conditions, our own clinical experience with individual nutritional ingredients and formulas, and comparative study of thousands of American nutritional supplements- by condition. Published by Future Medicine Publishing.
1997: Wrote text for “The Detergent Deterrent” for Top Marketing, Inc. This book is intended to be an educational motivational tool for the distributors and consumers of ‘The Laundry Solution’, a natural alternative to traditional laundry detergents. The book covers the history, manufacturers, and mechanics and structure of laundry detergent.
Also included are the environmental and human health effects of detergent exposure and pollution, a list of the chemicals commonly used in detergent manufacturing, and a specific list of symptoms caused by exposure to each chemical.
1995: Wrote “Chemicals and Human Health, a Family Guide”. This book included a review of current regulations, hazards, symptom guide and diagnostic tests for Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), indoor air quality information, risk assessment of chemicals in our environment, home environmental toxicity survey, how to create a safe environment in your home, and a suggested reading list. Also included are fact filled reviews of chemicals found in traditional daily-use personal care items (and symptoms of exposure to them). Products review includes:
Laundry room and under sinks: Laundry detergent, liquid and powdered bleaches products, and stain/spot remover.
Bathroom: Shampoo, and dandruff shampoo, conditioner, styling mousse, hair spray, bubble bath, deodorant soaps, fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash, breath spray, and cosmetics.
Household cleaning products: Ammonia based & all-purpose cleaners, glass cleaner, disinfectants, furniture polish, air ‘fresheners’, and dishwashing detergent.
1992-93: Co-wrote, “Health is Wealth”, a comprehensive book offering a comparison study of the most effective supplemental products nationwide. Extensive consultation and research was necessary to compile accurate data for this study, reviewing 450 health companies and thousands of products.
Speaking Engagements:
Guest Speaker, TREK Alliance, “Nutritional Support for the Liver”, Launch “Regenesis BioPurify” Liver support nutritional formula. July 2002, Las Vegas NV.
Guest Speaker, TREK Alliance, “Health, Nutrition, Environmental Toxicity and Detoxification”. March 2002, Chicago, IL & Reno NV.
Guest Speaker, San Francisco Whole Life Expo, “Tracing Disease to the Cause”
September 1997
Guest Lecturer to Health Professionals on “Health, Nutrition, Environmental Toxicity & Detoxification”
1995- 1996 numerous one-on-one meeting with over 300 doctors and health care professionals and their staff and patients throughout the U.S.
Training Center Educator, general public invited.
1994- 1996 General natural-health principles, nutrition, ‘personal’ environmental toxicity, detoxification, solutions.
Radio Talk Show/ Guest Speaker
June 1994 Santa Cruz/Monterey Counties. KSCO Open Forum Health Show. 1 hour.
July 1994 Santa Cruz/Monterey Counties. KSCO Open Forum Health Show. 1 hour.
Sat., Jan. 22, 2000, Matt, Shannon, Mike, Syndicated/Talk America Radio Network/52 stations“We’re Talking About Your Health” & “Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Mon., Jan. 3, 2000, Joe Gearing, Syndicated/PA, OH, VA
“Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Fri., Dec 17, 1999, Blaine Baird, WebMD Internet Chat-Live (Archived) “Stress & Fatigue”
Thurs., Dec 16, 1999, Bill Ball, KKVV-AM Las Vegas, NV
“Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Wed., Dec. 15, 1999, Public talk and book signing at East West Bookshop, Mountain View, CA “Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sun., Dec. 5, 1999, Annette HasaloneWGTG (Short Wave) Greensville, ID
“Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Mon., Nov. 29, 1999, Joe Gearing, Syndicated/PA, OH, VA
“Healthy Lifestyles” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Nov. 23, 1999, Kathleen Barnes, Woman’s World Magazine
“The Supplement Shopper”
Fri., Nov. 19, 1999, Paul Sladkus
“Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sun., Nov. 14, 1999, Glenn Brooks, Liberty Works Radio
“Vibrant Living” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sun., Nov. 7, 1999, John Morino, Ph.D. KAOK-AM, Lake Charles, LA
“The Supplement Shopper”
Sat., Nov. 6, 1999, Marti Papp, WSOM-AM, Salem, OH
“Mind Over Matter” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Thurs., Nov 4, 1999, Monica Griffin, KXOA-FM, Sacramento, CA
“On Target” “The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Nov. 2, 1999, Dr. Anthony Mustello, WBCB-AM, Levittown, PA
“Family Matters; The Mind/Body Connection” “The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Oct. 26, 1999, Ellen Kamhi, Ph.D., R.N. WHPC-FM, Garden City, NY
“Herbally Yours” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sat., Oct. 23, 1999, Talk and book signing, Gateway Bookshop, Santa Cruz, CA
“The Supplement Shopper”
Wed, Oct. 20, 1999, John Harris, WBAI-FM, New York City- 2 Hours
“The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Oct. 19, 1999, Blaine Baird, Internet Chat- Live (Archived)
“Nutritional Recovery From Breast Cancer”
Fri., Oct. 8, 1999, Buddy Ojeda, WWNN-AM, Boca Raton, FL
“The Natural Grocer” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Oct. 5, 1999, Michael Haga, People’s Radio Network & Shortwave & Internet. “On The Brink” & “The Supplement Shopper”, Nutrition Format.
Sat., Oct. 2, 1999, Barbara McFadden, WXBQ AM & FM, Bristol, VA
“The Supplement Shopper”
Fri., Sept. 17, 1999, George Noory, KTRS-AM, St. Louis, MO
“The Supplement Shopper”
Thurs., Sept. 9, 1999, Blaine Baird, Internet Chat-Live (Archived)
“Senior Vitality Show” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sat., Sept. 4, 1999, David Snow, KHVH-AM, Honolulu
“Dr. Health Show” & “Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Thurs., Sept. 2, 1999, Joe Easingwood, CFAX AM & FM, Victoria, BC, Canada.
”The Supplement Shopper”
Training/Seminars Attended (partial List)
Presently Subscribe to over 20 of the top environmental and nutritional newsletters and professional periodicals to stay current with research and developments in the field of nutrition, dietary nutritional supplements, and environmental solution-oriented products.
June 1997 ‘The Health Show- Health Professionals on Supplementation, Diet & anti- aging. Speakers included Bernie Siegel M.D., Neal Barnard, M.D., Robert Willix, M.D., Ann De Wees Allen, N.D., Earl Mindell, M.D., John McDougall, M.D., William Campbell Douglas, M.D., Julian Whitaker, M.D., Andrew Weil, M.D., Robert Pritiken, M.D. Bally’s Resort, Las Vegas, NV.
July 1996 ‘Enzyme Nutrition’, Dr. Howard Loomis. One day seminar (one on one).
May 1996 ‘Health & Mineral Deficiencies’, Dr. Joel Wallach, D.V.M, N.D., M.D.
April, 1995 ‘Enzyme Therapy’, Dr. Howard Loomis, Santa Clara, CA. One day.
Dec 1994 ‘Applied Patho-Physiology and Enzyme Nutrition’, Dr. Howard Loomis, Berkeley, CA. One day seminar.
Jan 1994 ‘Nutritional Therapy in Medical Practice’, Alan R. Gaby, M.D., and Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., San Francisco, CA. 2.5 day seminar.
Contact Dr. Gregory Pouls
Toll-free at 866-333-7399
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. Nutrition/Fitness, Pacific Western University, California
Master of Science, Human Nutrition, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut
Bachelor of Science, Dental Hygiene University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
Years of private clinical practice: Since 1990
I am a clinical nutritionist, health educator, and co-founder of the Health Enhancement Center, co-owner of Health Enhancement, Inc. and formulator and manufacturer of custom dietary formulas. My nutritional practice currently serves over 1500 patients worldwide. I develop personalized nutritional programs using enzyme therapy and a wide variety of nutrients to optimize body chemistry. As a nutritionist, I maintain a large inventory of nutrients utilizing 68 different enzyme formulas and over 2500 therapeutic vitamin, mineral, herb formulas and nutritional supplements from over 300 different health companies. My clinical experience has allowed me to gain the knowledge to understand the unique combinations of nutrients for addressing specific health conditions.
Since 1990, I have been using a 24-hour urinalysis, blood panels, stool & saliva analysis, physical exams, extensive symptom charts, nutritional and supplemental diaries to evaluate my patients’ digestive and biochemical deficiencies and needs. I work with most of my patients between four to six months. In this time, we do periodic re-evaluations to monitor progress and adjust protocol.
Consulting Specialties for Individualized Adult Nutritional Programs:
• Enzyme therapy, digestive relief, enhanced nutrient absorption, digestive competence
• Identification and elimination of allergens and environmental toxins
• Chronic conditions such as addictions, allergies, Arthritis, Candida, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia
• Stress reduction and nutritional support for demanding lifestyles
• Depression, anxiety, mental/emotional balance, ADD, & ADHD
• Illnesses known to be linked to dietary habits—heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis
• Chemistry, hormonal balancing, pre-, peri-, & post menopause, PMS, fertility
• Diet and nutritional planning, weight and obesity management, hypoglycemia (sugar cravings)
• Cellular, liver, colon detoxification and heavy metal detox, parasites
• Athletic support, endurance, stamina, and increased lean mass
• Strengthened immunity (bacterial & viral infections) and increased energy reserves
• Anti-aging and longevity protocols (vibrant skin, hair)
• Natural solutions to toxic household, environmental & personal care products
Consulting Specialties for Individualized Children’s Nutritional Programs:
• ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Autism, learning disabilities, anxiety, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, mental/emotional balance
• Enzyme therapy, digestive relief, enhanced nutrient absorption, digestive competence
• Natural nutritional alternatives to Ritalin and other behavioral medications
• Identification and elimination of food and air-borne allergens and environmental toxins
• Chronic conditions such as Chronic Fatigue, Colds, Flus, Ear Infections, Bronchitis, Candida
• Stress reduction and nutritional support for demanding lifestyles for special needs children
• Diet and nutritional planning, weight management, hypoglycemia (sugar cravings and addictions)
• Heavy metal detoxification (mercury & lead, etc.), cellular, liver, colon detoxification and parasites
• Strengthened immunity (bacterial & viral infections) and increased energy reserves
• Natural solutions to toxic household, environmental & personal care products
Independent Sourcing Agent & Nutritional Formulator: Capable of providing educational training, booklets, and videos to staff and distributors.
(Enzyme Formulas, Chinese & Ayurevedic Herbals, Western Herbals, Weight Loss Products, Metabolic Detoxification, Anti-Aging Products, Athletic Nutritional Formulas, Skin & Body Products)
Because of my extensive clinical experience and research, I have been asked by a variety of companies to formulate supplements using specific combinations of nutrients that I have found to be consistently effective for a wide range of conditions.
Nutritional Product Formulator
2012-2013Reformulated our ‘Healthy Alternatives Plus Digestive & Stomach Upset Support’ formula. We believe it is one of the most comprehensive digestive enzyme formulas available in the world today.
1999-2000 Research & Development for Nuvanta PTE, LTD
(Nutritional Co. based in Singapore)
1997- Present Research, Development & Owner for Healthy Alternatives Plus
(Nutritional supplements)
1997- Present Research & Development for Extreme Health Inc.
(oral chelation formulas)
1997- Present Research & Development for Extended Health
(oral chelation formulas)
1996- 1997 Research & Development for Alternative Therapies Inc.
(nutritional supplements)
Clinical Nutritionist, Enzyme Therapist, Educator
2003- Present Provided ongoing nutritional, natural health and wellness articles and solution-oriented products on our website
2001- 2002 Member, Board of Directors, Women’s Care: A Cancer Educational, Referral, and Support Services. Santa Cruz, CA.
2000- Present Investigated and researched (my passion) the most effective nutritional supplements and natural medicines used to address various health conditions. Researched and offer various laboratory studies used for assessing specific and common health conditions.
1996- 1997 Consultant for Harmony International, Shanghai, China. Research & Development for natural health products.
1994-1997 Nutritional consultant for First Lady Spa in Soquel, CA.
1990- Present Manage nutritional practice of over 1500 patients nationally and worldwide, including M.D.’s, Dentists, Alternative Health Practitioners and the general public. I receive referrals from the following professionals, including but not limited to: Oncologists, General Practitioners, Pediatricians, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Dentists, and Naturopathic Physicians, and international referrals from General Practitioners (Germany) and Nutritional Consultants (Switzerland).
Author or Contributing Author
“The Chelation Controversy: How to Safely Detoxify Your Body and Improve Your Cardiovascular Health” (Basic Health Publishing) 2006.
“Understanding Anxiety and Insomnia”, (Contemporary Oral Hygiene Magazine), Feb. 2002.
“Natural Medicine Guide to Autism”, (Hampton Roads Publishing), 2002. Contributing author.
“Understanding Stress and Fatigue”, (Contemporary Oral Hygiene Magazine), Nov. 2001.
“Understanding Digestion, Assimilation and Enzyme Nutrition”, (The Connection Magazine), October 2001.
“The Supplement Shopper, The Complete User’s Guide That Takes The Guesswork Out Of Choosing The Best Supplements For 50+ Health Conditions.” (Future Medicine Publishing) 1999-2000- Co-author,
“Weight Loss” (Future Medicine Publishing), 2000. Contributing author.
“Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalagia & Environmental Illness” (Future Medicine Publishing), 1998. Contributing author.
“Women’s Health II” (Future Medicine Publishing), 1998. Contributing author.
Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients (Alternative Medicine Journal), “Oral Chelation and Nutritional Replacement Therapy for Chemical & Heavy Metal Toxicity and Cardiovascular Disease”, July 1999.
Carolina Wellness Newsletter, “Enzymes, Digestion, and Health”, Fall 1998.
Alternative Medicine Digest (Future Medicine Publishing), “Osteoporosis”, Issue 26. 1998.
Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome Newsletter, “Reversing & Preventing Mercury Toxicity”, Fall 1998.
Holistic Dental Association Periodical, ” Oral Chelation”, Fall 1998
Alternative Medicine Digest (Future Medicine Publishing), “Digestive Incompetence & Disease”, Physician of the month. Issue 18. 1997.
Health is Wealth A comprehensive book offering a comparison study of the most effective professional nutritional supplements nationwide. Self-published, 1995.
Ph.D. Nutrition
Pacific Western University, California
Master of Science, Biology
University of Bridgeport, Connecticut
Master of Science, Nutrition
University of Bridgeport, Connecticut
Bachelor of Science, Dental Hygiene
University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
March 2001 Los Angeles, CA., California State Naturopathic Medical Association Convention, “Natural Detoxification”.
March 2000 Los Angeles, CA., California State Naturopathic Medical Association Convention, “Effective Oral Chelation”.
February 2000 San Francisco, CA., The Second World Conference of Nutrition &
Vitamin Therapy, “Oral Chelation” and “Hepatitis”.
May 1999 Denver, CO., lecture and workshop, Holistic Dental Association Conference, “Oral Chelation”.
Guest Lecturer at Whole Life Expo
Sept. 1997 San Francisco, Ca., Lecture, “Tracing Disease to the Cause”.
Sept. 1997 San Francisco, Ca., Health Panel, “Breakthroughs in Healing: Making Empowered Choices”.
Guest Lecturer to Health Professionals on nutrition, environmental Toxicity and detoxification
March 6-9, 1996 Reno, NV. Sponsor: National Dentistry Convention
February 1996 Austin, TX. Sponsor: Dr. Steven Klayman, D.C.
February 1996 Dallas, TX. Sponsor: Dr. Michael Einsohn, D.C.
February 1996 Houston, TX. Sponsor: Dr. Mary Doyle, D.C.
February 1996 San Antonia, TX. Sponsor: Dr. Emily Oliver, D.C.
December 1995 Fremont, CA. Sponsor: Life West Chiropractic College
December 1995 Austin, TX. Sponsor: Dr. Steven Klayman, D.C.
December 1995 Dallas, TX. Sponsor: Dr. Michael Einsohn, D.C.
December 1995 Houston, TX. Sponsor: Dr. Mary Doyle, D.C.
December 1995 San Antonia, TX. Sponsor: Dr. Emily Oliver, D.C.
December 1995 San Diego, CA. Sponsor: Dr. Bill Schaefer, N.D.
December 1995 Gilroy, CA. Sponsor: Carol Tschantz, R.N.
December 1995 Palo Alto, CA. Sponsor: Dr. Steven Hoot, D.C.
December 1995 Rosarita Beach, MX. Sponsor: Hospital Santa Monica, Dr. Kurt Donsbach.
December 1995 Tijuana, MX. Sponsor: American Biologics, Dr. R. Tobias
December 1995 Tijuana, MX. Sponsor: Bio-Medical Center (Hoxsey Clinic), Mildred Nelson, R.N.
December 1995 Playa de Tijuana, MX. Sponsor: Hospital Cotreras, Dr. Ernesto Contreras
December 1995 Playa de Tijuana, MX. Sponsor: Chipas Hospital (Gerson Therapy)
October 1995 Half Moon Bay, CA. Sponsor: Dr. Steven Hoot, D.C.
October 1995 Watsonville, CA. Sponsor: Lenny Felton, Nutritionist
Guest Speaker on Supplementation, Diet and Enzyme Therapy
April 1995 Los Gatos, CA. “International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends”
February 1995 Los Gatos, CA. “International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends”
National Radio & Internet Shows
Sat., Jan. 22, 2000, Matt, Shannon, Mike, Syndicated/Talk America Radio Network/52 stations” We’re Talking About Your Health” & “Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Mon., Jan. 3, 2000, Joe Gearing, Syndicated/PA, OH, VA
“Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Fri., Dec 17, 1999, Blaine Baird, WebMD Internet Chat-Live (Archived) “Stress & Fatigue”
Thurs., Dec 16, 1999, Bill Ball, KKVV-AM Las Vegas, NV
“Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Wed., Dec. 15, 1999, Public talk and book signing at East West Bookshop, Mountain View, CA “Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sun., Dec. 5, 1999, Annette Hasalone, WGTG (Short Wave) Greensville, ID
“Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Mon., Nov. 29, 1999, Joe Gearing, Syndicated/PA, OH, VA
“Healthy Lifestyles” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Nov. 23, 1999, Kathleen Barnes, Woman’s World Magazine
“The Supplement Shopper”
Fri., Nov. 19, 1999, Paul Sladkus
“Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sun., Nov. 14, 1999, Glenn Brooks, Liberty Works Radio
“Vibrant Living” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sun., Nov. 7, 1999, John Morino, Ph.D. KAOK-AM, Lake Charles, LA
“The Supplement Shopper”
Sat., Nov. 6, 1999, Marti Papp, WSOM-AM, Salem, OH
“Mind Over Matter” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Thurs., Nov 4, 1999, Monica Griffin, KXOA-FM, Sacramento, CA
“On Target” “The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Nov. 2, 1999, Dr. Anthony Mustello, WBCB-AM, Levittown, PA
“Family Matters; The Mind/Body Connection” “The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Oct. 26, 1999, Ellen Kamhi, Ph.D., R.N. WHPC-FM, Garden City, NY
“Herbally Yours” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sat., Oct. 23, 1999, Talk and book signing, Gateway Bookshop, Santa Cruz, CA
“The Supplement Shopper”
Wed, Oct. 20, 1999, John Harris, WBAI-FM, New York City- 2 Hours
“The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Oct. 19, 1999, Blaine Baird, Internet Chat- Live (Archived)
“Nutritional Recovery From Breast Cancer”
Fri., Oct. 8, 1999, Buddy Ojeda, WWNN-AM, Boca Raton, FL
“The Natural Grocer” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Tues., Oct. 5, 1999, Michael Haga, People’s Radio Network & Shortwave & Internet. “On The Brink” & “The Supplement Shopper”, Nutrition Format.
Sat., Oct. 2, 1999, Barbara McFadden, WXBQ AM & FM, Bristol, VA
“The Supplement Shopper”
Fri., Sept. 17, 1999, George Noory, KTRS-AM, St. Louis, MO
“The Supplement Shopper”
Thurs., Sept. 9, 1999, Blaine Baird, Internet Chat-Live (Archived)
“Senior Vitality Show” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Sat., Sept. 4, 1999, David Snow, KHVH-AM, Honolulu
“Dr. Health Show” & “Nutrition” & “The Supplement Shopper”
Thurs., Sept. 2, 1999, Joe Easingwood, CFAX AM & FM, Victoria, BC, Canada.
“The Supplement Shopper”
August 1998 New York, N.Y. WEVD “Your Health Connection “. One hour on Women’s Health, Detoxification, Osteoporosis, and Nutrition.
June 1998 New York, N.Y. WEVD “Your Health Connection”. One hour on Enzyme Therapy, Digestive Incompetence, and Diet.
July 1994 Santa Cruz/Monterey Counties. KSCO Open Forum Health Show. One hour.
June 1994 Santa Cruz/ Monterey Counties. KSCO Open Forum Health Show. One hour.
February 1994 Santa Cruz/Monterey Counties. KNRY “Abundant Health”. One hour.
September 1993 San Francisco Bay Area. KBEST, Hawaii. K108 “Seeing Beyond Health Show”. One hour.
Health Consultant for Odwalla Juice Company
March 1995 Created educational videos for their distributors on supplemental ingredients and their health effects.
Hospice Volunteer
April 1994-95 Companion, friend and healthcare aide for three dying patients, six hours per week.
Weekly Training and Support Groups Held
1982-1984 Maui, HI. Facilitator and Educator for “Body Electronics”, a body Balancing and health regeneration center. Founder: Dr. John Bay.
1981-1989 Maui, HI. Counselor and Instructor for “American Leadership College.” Taught classes on personal growth and leadership, one-on-one counseling, set up and taught three 1-week leadership skills retreats.
Co-facilitator and Educator with Dr. Valerie Seeman
1989-1990 “Kalos”-Touch for Health” (Applied kinesiology, behavioral kinesiology, and neurolinguistic programming).
1989-1990 3-Day Workshops held monthly in California; Santa Cruz, San Jose, Scotts Valley, Soquel, Los Gatos, Sunnyvale, and Carmel.
Evening Lectures Held
1989-1991 Held in California; Santa Cruz, San Jose, Scotts Valley, Santa Clara, Los Gatos, Sunnyvale, and Carmel.
Weekly Training and Support Groups
1989-1990 Santa Cruz, CA. Facilitator and Trainer.
Training Center Educator
1995-1996 General Health Principals- Wednesday evening lectures and Saturday, all day teach at the training centers. Held monthly trainings in California; Santa Cruz, San Jose and Santa Clara and San Diego and Texas; Austin, Houston, San Antonia and Dallas. Occasionally lectured to over 2,800 people.
Dental Hygienist
1969-1984 James Kahoe, DDS., Ted Shirota, DDS., and Conrad Theiss, DDS., Maui, HI.
Health Coordinator
1971-1973 Head Start, Maui, HI.
Oversaw the educational and health needs for children and families in the Head Start program.
Contact Dr. Maile Pouls
Toll-free at 866-333-7399