Your body is made of…
Vitamins, etc.Your body uses nutrition in 5 ways:
1) To replace used-up "building-block" nutrients.
2) To provide essential nutrients that the body cannot make itself.
3) For healing, repair and maintenance of all the body’s tissues and structures.
4) To address various stress factors, environments, and health conditions that increase nutritional requirements.
5) To detoxify and eliminate accumulated toxins.Clinical Background
In over 40 years of combined clinical experience as nutritional consultants, Doctors Pouls have analyzed the specific nutritional deficiencies and body chemistry imbalances in thousands of nutritional clients, and have reviewed tens of thousands of nutritional and chemistry profiles. We have utilized and recommended over 3,000 different nutritional supplement products, from hundreds of nutritional manufacturers.
‘Journal of the American Medical Association’ Quote
“Although the clinical syndromes of vitamin deficiencies are unusual in Western societies, suboptimal vitamin status is not. Because suboptimal vitamin status is associated with many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer and osteoporosis, it is important for physicians to identify patients with poor nutrition or other reasons for increased vitamin needs.”
JAMA- ‘Journal of the American Medical Association’, June 19, 2002 – Vol, 287, No. 23. Pg. 3124
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