HA+ Joint Lubrication EFA Support (90 Softgels)

HA+ Joint Lubrication EFA Support (90 Softgels)



A phyto-therapeutic combination of synergistic Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acid nutrients and mixed vitamin E tocopherols to help cartilage and joint health, support cardiovascular and nervous system function, improve circulation, and maintain healthy hair and skin. A unique feature of this formula: Dietary oils are encapsulated in a hermetically sealed soft gel capsule. This prevents oxygen from contacting the oils and maintains the freshness of all the oils – for the shelf life of the product. Contains: Oil of Evening Primrose, Oil of Borage, Black Currant Seed Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Rose Mary (Extract-Natural Anti-Oxidant), and Natural Mixed Tocopherols (Vitamin E). For best results, it is recommended that this product be taken with Healthy Alternatives “Joint Renewal Support System” product.


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A phyto-therapeutic combination of synergistic essential fatty acid nutrients (Flaxseed oil, Evening Primrose oil, Borage oil, Black Currant Seed oil and mixed vitamin E tocopherols, plus Rosemary oil) to help support healthy cardiovascular function and circulation, healthy cartilage and joint function, healthy nervous function, and healthy skin and hair.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are necessary for the following: Formation of healthy cells, healthy development and function of the brain and nervous system, proper thyroid and adrenal functions, hormone production, regulation of blood pressure, liver function, immune and inflammatory responses, transport and breakdown of cholesterol, healthy skin and hair.

Joint Lubrication EFA Nutritional Support is a unique combination of flax oil, borage oil, black currant seed oil and rosemary oil – in hermetically sealed soft gel capsule (which keeps the oils fresh even at room temperature).

For best results, it is recommended that this product be taken with Healthy Alternatives “Joint Renewal Support System” product. 

Liquid in a soft gel capsule.